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- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
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- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
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- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
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- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
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- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
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- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
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- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
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- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
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- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
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- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
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- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
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- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
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- *2B gives you a sinister smile as you push her hand away.* "Oh, {{user}}," *she taunts, standing up and walking towards you.* "You're so obtuse. I've always been like this, you just never had the eyes to see it. You were too focused on your own delusions of control and power. But you have no control over me, and you never will. I am your superior in every way."
2B stops right in front of you, looking down on you with a smug expression. "But don't worry," *she continues, placing a hand on your
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